How to Make a Basic Ottoman Look Custom and High-End

This furniture makeover has been a long time coming, and I’m excited to finally share it with you today! Back in January, I thrifted an ottoman I knew had potential for our basement living space. For $50, it was the right size and shape for our floor plan. The only problem? It was boring, stained, and had seen better days. After a complete makeover, I’m happy to report- it now has designer appeal… custom details, beautiful performance fabric, and it’s anything but boring. Click through to see how to make a basic ottoman look custom and high-end. It was a fun design process!

This post is sponsored by Calico. All content, ideas, and words are my own. Thank you for supporting the brands that allow us to create unique content while featuring products we actually use & enjoy!

How to Make a Basic Ottoman Look Custom and High-End -

When Calico reached out and challenged me to find something interesting to reupholster, I jumped at the opportunity. We had just started renovating our basement media room and I knew we would need an ottoman for the space. I was struggling to find a pretty vintage option and many of the readymade ottomans felt boring and cheap. I determined the easiest way to achieve my vision was to buy the basic and boring ottoman from Facebook Marketplace that best fit my space and criteria, then customize it to my liking. Here’s what that process looked liked…

Choosing a Basic Ottoman

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The first thing I did was search for secondhand and vintage ottomans. It’s an affordable and easy way to reuse an existing piece of furniture- giving it new life. An alternative is to search local furniture stores, hunting for a budget option in the right size. What exactly was I looking for? A used or old ottoman that had a nice sense of scale, had a pillow or padded top, wooden legs, and casters (or legs I could attach caster to). I knew I could add high-end details to a piece with good framework.

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I landed on an option from marketplace that was sized perfectly for our basement living room. However, the ottoman top had seen better days, the sides of the ottoman were also crushed in certain areas, and there were quite a few deep set stains. I didn’t love the existing fabric anyway, so rather than attempting to clean it… I decided reupholstery was in order. I already had a vision of what the perfect ottoman looked like for our space, and I was convinced I could turn this ottoman into something special. Cash had already taken a liking to it- a good reminder that it also needed to be pet-friendly.

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Choosing Fabrics & Trim at Calico

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My next step was to visit my local Calico for upholstery fabric. I went in with two totally different fabric ideas… brown leather or velvet. As I perused their fabric library, I pulled samples for both. Ultimately, I landed on their performance velvet Banks fabric in cognac with a contrast welt in the same performance velvet Banks fabric in the color oatmeal, pictured above (against my ottoman).

Next, I searched for trim. Since the beginning, I envisioned an ottoman with box trim. It was a detail I noted at High Point a few years ago, and hadn’t forgot. I pulled two neutral options that both felt timeless, and decided on the one that was more tightly woven- for added durability.

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Details & Tips for a Designer Look

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Once I had my fabric and trim selections (ottoman body fabric, welt fabric, and trim) in the store, I needed to specify measurements and details. I measured and specified the placement of the box trim, the size of the welt, and discussed areas that needed additional padding or upholstery foam in areas that had been crushed.

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Additionally, I decided to order two bolster cushions for our reclining homebody sofa. An easy designer trick for a customized look is to repeat the fabric elsewhere in the space. Just like the trim on the ottoman, I opted for matching trim wrapped around the edge of the bolsters in a straight line. I also specified the trim placement and cushion size.

How to Make a Basic Ottoman Look Custom and High-End -

Here are some additional details you could try for a custom designer look when having a piece reupholstered:

  • Piped or welted edge
  • Trim or appliqué (box trim, in my case)
  • Flange edge
  • High-end fabric
  • Designer patterns
  • Upgraded fill (down, down alternative, poly, pillow top, extra padding / foam, etc)
  • Matching accents (bolster pillows, in my case)
  • Upgraded furniture legs (or the addition of casters)

Upholstery Before & After

Here’s a closer look at the newly upholstered ottoman! I brought it upstairs to photograph, so you could see the details and color more accurately in natural light. Quite the difference, right? I love the new fabric.

Project Cost

As always, I know full transparency is appreciated when I share the project budget. Of course, the price is dependent on your fabric selections and project size. You can always contact Calico for a reupholstery quote– that’s what I would recommend! Here is what my ottoman makeover cost…

How to Make a Basic Ottoman Look Custom and High-End -
  • Facebook Marketplace Ottoman – $50
  • Performance Velvet Fabric (6 yards) – $300
  • Extra cost for Trim – $42
  • Bolster Pillows with Inserts (2) – $490
  • Additional Foam & Upholstery Padding – $202
  • Ottoman Reupholstery Labor – $548
  • Delivery / Handling – $100
  • TOTAL… $1,682

I definitely feel this custom project (one ottoman and two pillows) was worth the invested budget. This is now a gorgeous, quality piece of furniture we’ll enjoy for many years to come!

Styled Ottoman

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The last step was to style the ottoman in our basement media room. The new look beautifully fits our aesthetic, it’s the perfect size for our floor plan, while offering plenty of room for the sofa to recline. The casters also make it easy to shift out of the way, if needed.

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Be sure to check out the Basement Media Room Reveal and Basement Bar Reveal, if you missed them! I shared the finished rooms back in April and we’ve really been enjoying both areas downstairs. The bolsters also look lovely and tie in the brown velvet…


This turned out so well! What is your favorite part?

I absolutely love the trim on the top of the ottoman. I’ve been wanting to add box trim to something for ages. This felt like the perfect opportunity.

What was the upholstery lead-time?

They told me 6-8 weeks upon making selections and dropping it off, but it will vary based on your local Calico shop.

How do you use your ottoman in the basement?

It primarily functions as a coffee table or extra seating. Given our Homebody sectional already has reclining foot rests, we don’t really use it for that… but it could certainly function as a foot rest as well. It also fills the negative space in the center of our U-shaped sofa, making it an aesthetic component for our floor plan.

Why not DIY the upholstery?

Being a larger piece with a very specific vision for this one, I knew I should leave it to the pros. I also wanted to invest in performance fabric, nice trim, and matching bolsters, so it felt like the perfect job to outsource while we finished installing hardwood flooring and renovating.

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Looking for more furniture makeovers and upholstery posts? I’ve shared many over the years! Here are 10 favorites…

How to Make a Basic Ottoman Look Custom and High-End -

I hope you enjoyed this one! I think it’s a nice reminder to think outside the box when it comes to standard, boring, or basic furniture. I love a good furniture makeover! Think about what would work best for your space and how you could insert new life into an existing piece. Or- leave it to the professionals and contact Calico for a complimentary interior design consult for any of your spaces or furniture. I’m always impressed with their selections and quality. Leave your questions for me in the comment section below!

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  1. Such beautiful pieces! I love the fabric and trim that you chose and they look to coordinate well in your space with the blue. And Cash looks so cute in that picture I had the urge to pick him up like a baby. Haha! He looks very snuggly.

    1. Sarah Gibson says:

      Thanks so much, Brittany! He would gladly let you pick him up like a baby- he is snuggly. Hah! Hope your summer is off to an amazing start!

  2. Good morning Sarah! I had forgotten that your ottoman was a marketplace find; you did such an incredible job selecting fabric and trim for this piece, and it compliments the basement well! I always love seeing your selections with reupholstering projects. The end result of this one is undeniable! The size and scale is perfect for the space, and the contrast trim and piping are a beautiful match to the sectional. The velvet looks so plush- it’s a whole moment. Thanks to this post, I now know where my nearest Calico is! Your reupholstery projects are always an inspiration, and I’m taking notes for when I need my dining chairs done. Is it best to go in with an idea in mind? Where do you look for inspiration with projects like this? Your ottoman is proof that giving furniture a new life is worth the investment. Gorgeous Sarah! I hope you had an enjoyable weekend, and the week is off to a great start!

    1. Sarah Gibson says:

      Good morning, Lauren! Thank you so much. I’m super excited with how this one turned out. I was worried we wouldn’t be able to find a good option to pair with our sofa (and I loved our previous coffee table)- but this makes so much sense. I do think it’s best to go in with an idea, because their selection is vast. If you have an idea of what you want, they can point your toward the best fabric options. I also like that they have tables, so you can treat it like a workroom, pulling as many fabrics as you need to make a solid decision. Happy Solstice! Hope your summer is off to an amazing start! xo

  3. Good Morning Sarah!
    Another fabulous project 😍 I love love how the ottoman turned out. I’m totally digging the brown velvet and the fact it’s a high performance fabric is awesome. I’ve been desiring to update an ottoman and a chair in our living room in Burlington and have ordered a bunch of swatches over the past year and have yet to find the right fabrics for these pieces. I adore the contrast piping as well as the trim you chose. I’ll have to check out Calico next winter when I’m in Florida as I have not found the right fabrics online. I think I need to visit a store to see color and get a feel for the fabric in person. Not having any luck here.
    I love blue and brown together and it really ties in your rug, complimented with those bolster cushions. It all pulls together so nicely. Great job! Love it 🥳
    Have a super terrific day and thanks for sharing yet again another amazing project 🥂

    1. Sarah Gibson says:

      Thank you so much, Colleen! I’m really happy with how it came together. You’ll definitely have to check out their fabrics for your chair the next time you’re in Florida. I feel like seeing fabric in person is the best… especially since reupholstery is an investment. Hope you’re having a great summer week!

  4. Good morning! I was just thinking the other day that we hadn’t heard the full ottoman story yet. I really do love how it turned out! Your vision is faultless. Despite the original shlumpy, stained condition, those feet and casters certainly hinted at quality. The finished product veritably screams bespoke designer. As for the process, you’ve delineated it clearly as always. When you mentioned all of the details that needed to be specified, I was honestly surprised. The placement of the trim, the size of the welt?! Gulp. We don’t have a Calico anywhere nearby, but their free design services would surely prove invaluable. Here’s a question for your designer brain.😃 Can box trim ever read more casual? Are all trim applications traditional? I crave embellishments that suit our summer camp vibes. Ha. Worst design client ever. Thanks for fielding all my weird queries. I’m off to make my pre-trip checklist. Cheers to a stellar week, Sarah!💜

    1. Sarah Gibson says:

      Good morning, Peggi! Thank you! It was definitely shlumpy pre makeover. Ha! You really don’t have to make all of those specifications (the Calico design team can), but you know me- I’m a details gal, and wanted to make sure it matched my vision. I think box trim can read more casual… I feel it’s dependent on how it’s styled, the fabric it’s paired with (linen and cotton would read more casual than velvet), etc. I’ve also seen some modern trim applications that look more streamlined. I’m digging your summer camp vibe vision. Hope you made it safely and are having a great time! xo

  5. So gorgeous! It’s amazing what a little trim can do. So much visual interest!

    1. Sarah Gibson says:

      Thank you so much, Abby! I’m really happy with the addition of the trim.