Classic Planters for Every Aesthetic and Budget

I’m currently headed home from a girls weekend beach staycation (10/10 recommend a besties trip!), but before leaving my house last week- I prepped all of our planters, tackled landscaping, and started getting our outdoor living spaces in order. I had quite a few requests for ideas on sourcing outdoor planters that are budget-friendly and designer-approved. I thought a roundup of my favorites would be fun and helpful. Click through for my classic planter recommendations… for every aesthetic and budget!

Classic Planters for Every Aesthetic and Budget -

Yes, I realize it has been a month of sharing exterior projects, outdoor living, and curb appeal over here… but spring beckons! The garden is planted, the garage doors have been power washed, the window flower boxes are thriving, and later this week I’ve got big plans to put together our backyard & patio for the season. My mom arrives later this week (for a Mother’s Day visit), and you know there is nothing like company and family visiting to incentivize crossing things off the to-do list. Ha! But really. That’ll light a fire. Anyway, onto planters…

Designer Styling Ideas

Classic Planters for Every Aesthetic and Budget -

If you’re looking to brainstorm where & how you might style some fresh planters this spring and summer, here are some ideas to get your wheels turning:

Classic Planters for Every Aesthetic and Budget -

These planters not only work for outdoor living spaces, but they’re also great for indoor plant & trees. I’m always using ours inside and out. I think there are five main color palettes or materials that withstand the test of of time: terracotta, white (or plaster), black, gray (or concrete), and woven. Scroll on for my top picks…

Classic Planters for Every Aesthetic and Budget -

Terracotta Planters

Click directly on each planter below to be redirected.

Terracotta planters are ideal for adding warmth and a rustic or antique quality to any outdoor vignette. These planters also age beautifully and patina over time. It’s always an outdoor material I feel good investing in.

White Planters

White planters are universal and look good with any aesthetic or exterior. I’m especially attracted to the ones that have a textural or plaster-like finish with added depth.

Black & Gray Planters

Black and gray (or concrete) planters are also ones I find myself gravitating toward… especially black for my own home exterior color palette. If you have a black front door, garage doors, or shutters- a complementary crisp black planter is always a good addition.

Woven Planters

Here’s an easy tip… really any basket can become a planter. Line the inside with plastic and keep the plant in its original container. It’s the easiest way to drop in a plant or upgrade the vessel!

Classic Planters for Every Aesthetic and Budget -


Where are the planters on your front porch from?

Those came from Lowe’s! They’re budget friendly ($50), have a classic pedestal shape, and have held up really well. We’ve had them for 4-5 years now.

How does your container garden do each season?

When we lived in Ohio, Emmett & I had a huge garden… and I grew up planting acreage with my family, so having a tiny container garden seemed like a bummer at first. However, living outside the city means space is limited and I’ll taking having a suburban garden over no garden any day. I’ve come to love our little side yard garden and it does really great! We grow tomatoes, peppers, berries, flowers, greenery, and other vegetables.

Classic Planters for Every Aesthetic and Budget -

I hope this post potentially helped you discover some new planters or resources you maybe hadn’t heard of. If you’re on the hunt for vessels & containers for your plants, these are all beautiful and safe bets. I’m all about buying things once to enjoy them for years to come. Here’s to a great week ahead!

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  1. Good morning! I am here for ALL the outdoor content these days. If we’re not talking plants, we might as well discuss planters! Truth be told, I don’t tend to utilize many outdoor pots; I have my best luck with in-ground plants. That definitely doesn’t prevent me from loving the look or coveting a few! My top choice is black; like yourself, my doors and exterior accents are black. I also appreciate how it doesn’t compete with foliage or floral colors. Years ago, I passed up a steal of a deal on enormous (like I could have sat in them giant) glossy black planters with a perfectly plump shape. I search every spring, but they remain elusive. (kicks self) My second fave is traditional terra cotta. I favor the classic angled sides with subtle detail; give me a little beading, a few ridges or ropes, a fun ruffle! I will say that I’ve had a terra cotta fail this winter. My mint lives in a pot plunked in my herb bed (because mint). Sadly, one side has developed several large flakes, so I’ll need to find a replacement. Wherever will I find a roundup of beautiful, classic planters?😉 Maybe I’ll go with black! You’ve provided plentiful possibilities, so thanks for your impeccable timing! My garden will have to wait though. I’m baking a 60th anniversary cake this week (three tiers!), so you’ll find me in the kitchen. Hopefully, you are safely home and sweetly rejuvenated from your bestie escapades. Cheers to a super week, Sarah!💜

    1. Sarah Gibson says:

      Same!! Except I came home to 4″ of snow. I’m really hoping my garden will be ok- fingers crossed! Our viburnum split and many branches broke off- so sad. How did the 60th anniversary cake turn out? Three tiers?! That sounds like quite the undertaking. I bet it’s amazing! Hope you’re having the best week! xo

  2. I always love a good terracotta pot! Happy Monday- and wishing you safe travels home. Speaking of pots- I need to replant some flowers around my topiaries. One pot came back, the other is suffering. Ha! You dug up some treasures in this roundup. I love the urn style terracottas from PB; lately I’ve been wanting a few in this shape, and the detailed design on these is incredible. I own the ones from Home Depot- and I need a few more of those. This is my reminder to take a trip when my leg is feeling better. Lately I’ve been wanting to mix in some concrete pots; I already have a few but I could use some more. I, of course, love the square iterations with decorative detail. You’re making me want to be in the garden. That project is slow going due to some backordered items, but that’s ok- I’m hoping the end result is an aesthetically pleasing garden space that we’ll enjoy for years to come. Waiting on quality materials is always worth it. You have me brainstorming other areas of the yard that I can spruce up in the meantime. I’m so glad you were able to soak up the sunshine, because you’re coming home to snow. Who would have thought? That’s ok, we’ve had rain all weekend and it looks like more today. Cheers to crazy weather, arriving home, and willing spring to finally arrive. Hahah!

    1. Sarah Gibson says:

      Thank you, Lauren! I got two more of the home depot pots this season- they’re so good and I can’t believe those amazing prices. How is your leg doing? I seriously can’t believe I came home to 4″ of snow. We still have some on the ground and it snowed more yesterday. Spring- where are you?! I hope you’re finally getting some sunshine at home. Have a great day!

  3. How is it Monday already? A bestie weekend at the beach sounds like my kind of weekend Sarah 🥂We all need a weekend like that, wherever it takes us ☺️
    I’m never tired of a great discussion on everything and anything garden, flowers, planters and I bet it feels good to be ahead and have items checked on the spring to-do list. All your outdoor spaces are so Amazing! I was just mentioning to Andrew this morning, maybe we can have our windows cleaned for us this year 🙄 My indoor and outdoor to-do list feels extra long this year for some reason.
    Your planter roundup is full of inspiration and getting me motivated to head to the garden Centre. I’m really drawn to the white concrete fluted planter and I always love Terra cotta.
    So wonderful you get to spend time with your Mom for Mothers Day. Yay! She’s going to be so proud and enjoy all the gorgeous renovations you’ve accomplished since she last visited 🥰 Lots of oohing and awing I imagine 😉 Hope you have a smooth return today and great week ahead!

    1. Sarah Gibson says:

      Hi Colleen! I ended up coming home to 4″ of snow, so I’m pretty sure my garden is ruined. Ha! Such a surprise. Are you also missing the FL weather? I hope you’re having a good week!