20 Ideas for Making a Basement Bedroom Feel Cozy on Budget

The basement bedroom remains the project we’ve tackled in the shortest amount of time. We also updated it on a major budget. Despite its small size, quick makeover, and low ceilings, it has become one of my favorite rooms in our home. It’s filled with character, is inviting, and is a space I’m really proud of. Today, I wanted to share 20 ideas for making a basement bedroom feel cozy on a budget. Click through for my best tips with examples of each, and to peek at how the basement bedroom currently looks- though not much has changed!

20 Ideas for Making a Basement Bedroom Feel Cozy on Budget - roomfortuesday.com

Basements can be notoriously tricky to design, and it seems I’ve been heavily focused on our basement the past year or two. We just completed our basement media room, the basement bar, and I’m finally calling the basement bedroom finished after having installed the hardwood flooring over the concrete floors. We also tackled the basement bathroom a few years ago. Whether you’re looking to increase the value of your home or extend usable space, the basement is a great place to gain functional square footage. These are the best ways to create a beautiful bedroom or guest bedroom on a tight budget… in a tricky space, like the basement.

1. Install A Wall of Curtains or Drapery Panels

Basement walls can be cold and drab. Adding a wall of curtains or drapery panels not only helps to soften a space, providing visual warmth- but they’re also a good idea for privacy, basement acoustics, and enhancing a cozy aesthetic.

20 Ideas for Making a Basement Bedroom Feel Cozy on Budget - roomfortuesday.com

2. Use a Paint Color with an Appropriate LRV

Contrary to what you might expect, white walls are not the answer to creating a bright and cozy basement bedroom- it often lands flat. Be sure to choose a paint color with an appropriate LRV, or light reflective value… which is the percentage of light a paint color reflects. This is especially important in a basement! Another option? Cut your paint for a lighter look… check out this post on how paint color percentages work and when to use them. A fresh coat of paint always goes a long way.

20 Ideas for Making a Basement Bedroom Feel Cozy on Budget - roomfortuesday.com

3. Plan Adequate Storage

Among one of the easy ways for friends and family to feel at home in a room, is to provide storage for guests. Storage space is especially helpful if you have a small bedroom, like mine. This could come in the form of a dresser, closet, a storage ottoman, or even a folding luggage rack is helpful.

20 Ideas for Making a Basement Bedroom Feel Cozy on Budget - roomfortuesday.com

4. Disguise Basement Architectural Features

Due to building codes and the nature of basements… you often have to design around architectural eyesores like an egress window, ductwork, or low beams. My best tip is to try to disguise those unwanted architectural features. Check out my faux reeded glass window DIY to conceal an ugly window well, or consider painting exposed ductwork the same color as the ceiling or walls, allowing it to better blend. There are lots of creative ideas for creating a seamless look.

20 Ideas for Making a Basement Bedroom Feel Cozy on Budget - roomfortuesday.com

5. Incorporate Layered Lighting

In addition to overhead lighting, be sure to add a wall sconce or two, along with floor and table lamps for a well rounded and cozy lighting plan. For more tips on proper lighting, check out this post on tips for layering lighting like a designer. Light fixtures make a huge difference in making a basement bedroom feel inviting.

6. Use Textural & Cozy Textiles

Use textural and cozy textiles such as faux fur, bouclé, waffle weave blankets, area rugs, and soft upholstery, layering them throughout the space for a lived in look.

20 Ideas for Making a Basement Bedroom Feel Cozy on Budget - roomfortuesday.com

7. Make a Statement with Artwork

A great way to distract attention from the negative aspects of a basement is to create impressive focal points throughout. I like to do this with statement making artwork. In my basement bedroom, I installed these oversized central station studies for a classic and striking look.

20 Ideas for Making a Basement Bedroom Feel Cozy on Budget - roomfortuesday.com

8. Install A Super Soft Area Rug

Having a soft place for feet to land, rather than a cold basement floor is key. Layer a large area rug, sheepskin, or vintage rug in a basement bedroom for added comfort and warmth.

20 Ideas for Making a Basement Bedroom Feel Cozy on Budget - roomfortuesday.com

9. Layer on the Bedding

From nice sheets to a down duvet insert, matelassé, quilt, throw blanket, and everything in between…. don’t be afraid to layer on the bedding for cozy and functional warmth.

20 Ideas for Making a Basement Bedroom Feel Cozy on Budget - roomfortuesday.com

10. Incorporate Warm Wood Tones

Never underestimate the power of adding visual warmth. A great way to do this is with warm wood tones. I found a vintage bed and side tables, both in warm wood that made a huge difference in creating a cozy basement bedroom.

20 Ideas for Making a Basement Bedroom Feel Cozy on Budget - roomfortuesday.com

11. Install A Warm Flooring Material

I also installed warm toned hardwood flooring throughout the entire room (and throughout our basement). In addition to the warm color, it is also a warm material. Other “warm” flooring materials include heated tile, carpet, and area rugs. Make the most of your basement square footage and choose a material that feels cozy underfoot.

20 Ideas for Making a Basement Bedroom Feel Cozy on Budget - roomfortuesday.com

12. Include Cozy Upholstery

Be sure to include upholstery, which softens and warms the space. Consider styling a chair, sofa, bench, or ottoman for added functionality and seating.

20 Ideas for Making a Basement Bedroom Feel Cozy on Budget - roomfortuesday.com

13. Maximize Natural Light

While not all basement bedrooms have windows, if you are lucky to have natural light… use appropriate window treatments that maximize brightness. If you have little natural light (or none at all), consider installing a wall mirror to bounce light around the room.

20 Ideas for Making a Basement Bedroom Feel Cozy on Budget - roomfortuesday.com

14. Style the Space Thoughtfully

There’s a fine line between a cluttered bedroom and a space that feels collected, cozy, and intentional. When designing small spaces or guest rooms, it’s important to keep the room looking collected and complete, without being totally overwhelming. Use an editing design eye and style the space thoughtfully.

20 Ideas for Making a Basement Bedroom Feel Cozy on Budget - roomfortuesday.com

15. Paint Millwork The Same Color As The Walls

Because the ceiling height in a basement is typically lower, I like to paint the base and crown the same color as the wall… making the ceiling height look taller. It’s a design trick I learned ages ago- give it a try!

20 Ideas for Making a Basement Bedroom Feel Cozy on Budget - roomfortuesday.com

16. Add a Candle

Perhaps the most simple way to add instant ambiance is to add a candle to a basement bedroom. Sometimes it really is the little things! Candles evoke warmth, ambiance, fragrance, and provide good energy.

20 Ideas for Making a Basement Bedroom Feel Cozy on Budget - roomfortuesday.com

17. Insert Personality with Vintage Furniture or Decor

You know I’m a fan of all things vintage and thrifting. I scored the antique bed and vintage bedside tables on Facebook Marketplace (separately), and they truly add so much character to this otherwise boring bedroom. Don’t be afraid to insert personality. Vintage furniture and decor is great way to do that.

20 Ideas for Making a Basement Bedroom Feel Cozy on Budget - roomfortuesday.com

18. Install Practical Appliances (If Needed)

Basements often get a bad reputation for being musty or smelly. Depending on what your basement needs, consider installing practical appliances: a humidifier (or de-humidifier), heater, air purifier, Pura diffuser, etc. Keep in mind, the end goal is to create a functional living space.

20 Ideas for Making a Basement Bedroom Feel Cozy on Budget - roomfortuesday.com

19. Add Florals or Greenery

Adding florals or greenery to a basement bedroom goes a long way. I keep an arrangement on the bedside table to add a cheerfulness to this bedroom vignette and corner of the room.

20 Ideas for Making a Basement Bedroom Feel Cozy on Budget - roomfortuesday.com

20. Stock Cozy Comforts for Guests

Last, but not least… tuck away or stock cozy comforts for guests. Since our basement does get chilly, I keep a heated blanket tucked away in a basket, in the corner of the room. Alternatively, you could keep slippers or a robe in a dresser drawer, tuck a space heater into the closet, or provide some overnight essentials. You might also find this post on stocking a guest bathroom for visitors helpful!

20 Ideas for Making a Basement Bedroom Feel Cozy on Budget - roomfortuesday.com

Basement Bedroom : Get the Look

Click directly on each item below to be redirected.

I’ll link the sources for you above, but please let me know if I missed anything! For more of this space, check out the basement bedroom here.


What size is the bed in this room?

It’s a twin extra long. Honestly- it’s one of the most comfortable beds in our house. I’d choose this bed over others in our home. Nieces, nephews, friends, and siblings have all slept here and commented on how comfortable it is. Not bad for a thrifted find!

Why no overhead light in this room?

We have recessed lights, and I was able to supplement with a sconce, floor lamp, and a table lamp for a layered look (my preference). Rather than spend money on adding a flush mount light fixture (that would make the ceiling appear lower), I opted to spend that portion of the budget on the hardwood flooring.

20 Ideas for Making a Basement Bedroom Feel Cozy on Budget - roomfortuesday.com


Looking for more posts about this particular lower level bedroom, or other spaces and projects relevant to our basement? I’ll link some for you below!

20 Ideas for Making a Basement Bedroom Feel Cozy on Budget - roomfortuesday.com

I hope these budget-friendly basement bedroom ideas come in handy at some point! If you have additional space in the basement, it’s a great way to add an extra bedroom or guest room to your home. There are definitely plenty of affordable ways to style a cozy room… even in a basement. Please let me know if you have any questions or thoughts. I love to chat in the comment section below. Cheers to a wonderful weekend ahead!

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  1. Good morning! It’s so hard to pick a favorite room in your home; they’re all so well thought out, intentionally designed, and unique. This one grabs me because of the wall of drapery (genius), the oversized artwork, and the gorgeous vintage furniture. You wouldn’t know it’s in a basement if you didn’t say; a testament to the power of the tips you’ve shared here. The end result is light, airy, cozy, and inviting. I wish I had a basement- sadly most homes in CA don’t, but one day, it would be lovely to live in a home that does. I hope these tips are helpful for your readers who boast them. I feel like these tips also translate to small spaces, and spaces that don’t have a ton of natural light; not just basements. Your tips and expertise shine in posts like this one Sarah- thank you for sharing with us! I hope you’ve had a wonderful week! What are your weekend plans?

    1. Sarah Gibson says:

      Hi Lauren! Thank you, thank you! I appreciate that. I didn’t realize most homes in CA don’t have basements. I feel like they’re pretty common around here. These tips could definitely also translate to small spaces. Our weekend was pretty chill. I worked one day, we boated (still working on getting it running correctly), and went to dinner with friends. I’ve got surgery at the end of summer, so we’re trying to pack in all the fun things beforehand… and Cash had surgery on Friday, so we’ve been taking it easy to keep a close eye on him. Hope you guys stayed cool in the pool! xo