Tuesday Made Warehouse Sale Preview

Happy Friday, friends! The Tuesday Made crew and I have been working hard behind-the-scenes at the shop this week, pulling together our annual in-person warehouse sale. If you’re local, please swing by, say hello, and grab some seriously discounted home items (up to 80% off)! Click through for a little preview and all the important details…

Tuesday Made Warehouse Sale Preview - roomfortuesday.com

We’re actually moving our Tuesday Made office, so this sale is going to be much larger than last year, as we try to consolidate before our move! We’re marking things up to 70-80% off.

Date, Time, & Location

Tuesday Made Warehouse Sale Preview - roomfortuesday.com
  • Saturday, May 18th, 2024
  • 9:00 am – 1:00 pm
  • 545 West 3615 South, Salt Lake City, UT, 84115
  • Credit card payment only (we accept all major cards)
  • All items are sold as-is… no returns
  • All large items (like furniture and rugs) must be picked up by 1:00pm on May 18th
  • Shoppers are responsible for loading & transporting their items
  • Easy parking (we have a parking lot)

What’s Included This Year?

Tuesday Made Warehouse Sale Preview - roomfortuesday.com

In addition to the many items you see in the online Tuesday Made shop, we’ll also have larger pieces available at the sale (that we aren’t able to ship or offer online)– like furniture and building materials. I’ll sprinkle some preview images throughout this post for you… but it’s going to be even better than last year. Here’s what you can expect:

  • Furniture
  • Light Fixtures
  • Renovation Materials
  • Discontinued & Photoshoot Items
  • Vintage Rugs
  • New Rugs
  • Florals & Greenery
  • Kitchen Decor
  • Books
  • Candles & Home Fragrance
  • Holiday Decor
  • Pillows & Throws
  • Outdoor Furniture & Decor
  • Artwork
  • Vintage Decor
  • Some Furniture & Decor You’ve Seen in My Home

Free Totes

Grandeur vs Emtek Exterior Hardware - roomfortuesday.com

Receive a FREE Tuesday Made tote with any warehouse sale purchase (while supplies last)! We really wanted to continue this tradition because they were such a hit last year.

Shopping Tips

Tuesday Made Warehouse Sale Preview - roomfortuesday.com

If you have your eye on something specific, plan to arrive early to grab that particular item. We had people lining up before the doors opened last year. Here are some helpful tips:

  • Arrive a little early
  • Bring your own shopping totes and packing materials
  • Bring a measuring tape
  • Need help? Ask any of us wearing a Tuesday Made hat
  • Large items have perforated sold tags- if you’d like to buy it… tear off the tag and bring it to the checkout with you (we’ll also add a sold sticker to your item)
  • Follow Tuesday Made on Instagram for more behind-the-scenes peeks
  • Bring a friend… and make a day of it- because what’s more fun than scoring home deals followed by brunch?
Tuesday Made Warehouse Sale Preview - roomfortuesday.com


If I purchase a big item, like furniture, do I need to haul it away immediately?

All large items must be picked up by 1:00pm the day of the sale. If you’re not able to take your item with you right away, we’ll copy your information, mark the item sold once payment has been received, and will expect you to return for your item before the sale ends.

Is the sale for locals only? Or will you be extending it online?

This is an in-person sale… it will be in Salt Lake City at our warehouse. We will be having our big Memorial Day sale next week, so mark your calendar for that… more deals to come! Email subscribers get first dibs, as always.

What forms of payment are accepted?

We’ll be accepting card payments only (Visa, MasterCard, American Express, Discover, JCB, etc) – we have a card reader connected to our system, so it will be quick, easy, & secure! You can choose an emailed or text message receipt.

Tuesday Made Warehouse Sale Preview - roomfortuesday.com

I think that’s everything! Let me know if you have additional questions and I’ll answer them in the comment section below. In addition to the free tote bags and good deals, I’d just love to see you and say hi! Please come help us clean house and grab some beautiful things for your home. It’s going to be fun and the weather should be nice!

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  1. Good morning!! Ok, now I am *really* bummed I didn’t come down this year!😭 Last year was fantastic, but this year looks like it will be BANANAS! Seriously, I’m stunned perusing these pictures. (How many crying emojis are too many?☹️) You guys are going to be busy! I’ll be following along on IG tomorrow and sending all the helpful vibes.🤣 Now, about moving offices?! After you made that space SO wonderful. I’m sure you’ve found an even more advantageous location, but oof, what a ton of work! (I am a *very* experienced mover, btw. And my rates are rock bottom. Ha.) For now, cheers to Pizza Friday and a spectacular warehouse sale!! 💜🍕☀️🎉

    1. Sarah Gibson says:

      You were missed, Peggi! We had beautiful weather and got rid of so many pretty things- it was a fun day! We just found out we have to move offices, so we ended up adding quite a bit to the sale. I’m sad to leave our cute kitchenette behind. Hope you had an amazing weekend!

  2. Good morning Sarah! This sale is going to be so good! How I wish I could be there! The fomo is real over here! You have so many stunning items included in the sale- I know everyone that shows will be able to walk away with something gorgeous for their home. I hope it’s a fantastic day full of sunshine, connection, and clearing out the warehouse. You’re moving the shop? Closer to home? I hope it’s a good thing. I won’t keep you, because I know you’re busy prepping all the things. Have a lovely weekend!

    1. Sarah Gibson says:

      Good morning, Lauren! We had perfect weather for our warehouse sale- you were missed! It was really fun and we sent so many pretty things home with people. Hope you also had a great weekend! We just found out we have to move the shop (our landlord is selling the building), so it’s kind of a spontaneous and quick move, and a little stressful. Wish we could pick up our kitchenette and move it with us! Hope your week is going well so far!

  3. Wow! Look at all of those beautiful things 😍 I’m envious of those living within the area, lucky ducks! You’re moving the shop? You decorated everything so beautifully there and that kitchen ❤️ Hope you can take it with you ☺️
    Good luck with the sale, I’m sure it will be filled with fun and happiness as Tuesday Made totes get filled to the brim with gorgeous treasures 💝 Hope the sun is shining and cheers to a successful sale 🥂🥳

    1. Sarah Gibson says:

      Thank you, Colleen! I’m still recovering and organizing post sale, but it was a great time with perfect weather! We recently found out we have to move (our landlord is selling the property), so it’s a bit last minute. Sadly, we won’t be able to take our cute kitchenette with us. Hope you had a wonderful weekend and are having a good week. I’m playing catch up over here!