A Quick Sofa Table Makeover


I’ve been finding so many beautiful Facebook Marketplace finds lately! My most recent score was a sofa table, but it needed a color change.

Sofa Table Before

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The table has a really lovely shape, the size is perfect for our floor plan and existing sofa, but the blue color just doesn’t work in this room.



I kept it simple and used what we already had on hand… a sanding block, my go-to brush, and a 4″ high density foam roller.

Quick Sanding

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As much as I hate sanding, it really does make for a better, more durable paint job. I quickly sanded and wiped the table down, prepping for paint.


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I applied the first coat of paint, working in a thin even layer. This paint is so great, it really levels out nicely.

Brushing & Rolling

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I worked with dual tools for this project… a brush for the more intricate spots, and a high density foam roller that I typically use on doors & cabinetry.

I hope you enjoyed this post! Has anyone else been finding anything good on Facebook Marketplace lately?